Cybersecurity Hygiene Checklist for 2023
According to the latest survey, more than 70% of businesses have claimed that they do not have a robust digital safeguard against any cyber attacks. This is actually a very alarming situation for all the businesses of small to large scale as these hackers have got high skills and knowledge when it comes to hacking even the most complicated systems.
Not only the large sized businesses but rather the small scale businesses are three times more vulnerable to such cyber crimes and are highly targeted by the online fraudsters by using the multiple methods. Just like we follow the hygiene practices to stay away from diseases, similarly the companies have also introduced multiple methods to reduce the risk of cyber attacks and cyberinfrastructure infections.
What is Cybersecurity Hygiene? Why is it so important?
Cybersecurity hygiene refers to all those online activities that the users must perform to maintain the health and safety of the system. For securing a system a list of safe practices needs to be identified that helps in resolving the security issues. A consistent training of the employees can help in combating the digital security threats and promoting a culture of cyber hygiene.
According to a recent survey, the global average cost of a data breach is USD$ 4.35 million, less than half of the cost in the United States, at USD$ 9.44 million. Cyber hygiene practices have proven most effective in mitigating the risks of hackers illegally accessing enterprise data and networks.
Checklist To Prevent Cyber Attacks
The hackers need to use human vulnerability to introduce ransomware and other attacks that are known as social engineering attacks. Cyber crimes are often committed through emails, voicemails and text messages to the users and takes out confidential information about the user.
Hackers use human vulnerability to introduce ransomware and other forms of attacks called social engineering attacks. Phishing scams, internet fraud, identity theft, online intellectual property infringements, cyberstalking or cyberbullying are some of the most common cybercrimes these days which are also meant for taking a whopping amount of money directly from your bank account.
Some of the most important checklist for ensuring cybersecurity or cyber hygiene are :-
Strengthening Protection
We can only ensure cybersecurity hygiene by following the best practices for any anti-virus or anti-malware installations. This type of softwares actually helps to protect your system from many online threats or attacks. It can fight the software bugs and detect any potential threats or risks to the computer program for which you just need to keep the software updated.
Use strong passwords and multi-factor authentication
When you use a strong password it safeguards files, account details as it will be really tough for the hackers to crack the password. A multi-factor authentication is important for providing an additional layer of security and authentication to passwords.
You can create a unique and strong password which is really hard to guess and change the passwords as frequently as possible. Implement biometrics or multi-factor authentication [MFA] to make your business data secure. -
Train your staff on cybersecurity
Cyber hygiene is one of the top most issues that needs to be addressed and is the top concern for the security officers. Apart from cyber training the staff or employees there must also be a discussion on damaging effects of cyberattacks on the company and how it affects the lives of the people if the personal data is stolen. This shall promote engagement, cyber security awareness and security protocols awareness amongst the employees.
Creating a Strong Data Recovery or Backup Plan
No entity is immune from online attacks and thus, requires a strong data recovery or backup plan. Any hacker might be able to crack the sensitive data thus, a company requires to have a secured data backup plan.
You can expand your storage space by implementing the 3-2-1 backup rule that stores three copies of your data which makes the data recovery easy. -
Conduct regular vulnerability assessments
Sometimes you need to regularly perform vulnerability checks apart from the strict security protocols to minimize the risks. You can hire third-party IT experts that include an ethical hacker to work on the security weakness.
There is no business too small or too niche to be vulnerable to cyberattacks. As a result, enterprises must strengthen their defenses by upgrading hardware, software, and staff training. Using the checklist above, you can prevent security breaches at your firm. Costs may be involved, but they're a small price to pay to prevent your business from being damaged or losing money.